DHVPH - Violence, Pornography & Commerce

Our lockdown film DOG HUMAN Vs. POWER HUMAN has been bubbling along for the past week or so. Lockdown was extended so the project has grown, which is hardly surprising fo us.

The VPC Party & 24 Hour News Stream has taken over as the overriding signifier of the world in which our characters exist. they are constantly bombarded by a chaotic montage of Violence, Pornography and Commerce to the point where this stream defines their desires, reactions and power dymanics.

The iconography is deliberately simplistic and fascist in nature, appealing to ideals of ascension and superiority through submission to The Department. The perverted Platonicism of the triangle cuts through the stupifying effects of the stream and speaks directly to the individual’s will to power, as an externalisation of their alienation from themeslves: the higher functions which have been systematically excised, or at leaste numbed into catatonia, by the barrage of basal imagery. There is a clear homage to A Clockwork Orange here, however this protocol does not seek to reform the criminal, but destroy the angels in all of us and leave nothing but droogs.

We thought by not showing actual pornography, just twerking and other explicit videos from youtube we’d be able to avoid being censored, aparrently not though: https://youtu.be/QInRmgQmmug