This started as a very small prop. The idea was just to get some electronic junk, glue it onto Lilly’s old collar and a piece of tupperware and call it a day. As usual though, things needed to be taken further. It can’t be that hard to make it flash? And then, why not have a shock state, and an armed state. So before we knew it the soldering iron was out, the Arduino IDE was fired up and a few hours later we had a “working” shock collar and controller.
It must be said, this was in no way a robust solution and for the duration of the shoot we were dealing with short circuits and repairing terrible soldering joins. Never lost more than 30 mins or so though, fit for purpose.
In the spirit of sharing, here is the and the Controller Code and the Collar Code. It’s just simple button presses controlling RGB LEDs. I’d not used these before but it turned out to be really easy.